Meat Boxes

Hidden Creek Farm now offers Meat Boxes! Our variety of boxes includes a perfect meal combination for every palate. Every item in each box are all around 1lb. Purchase your box as an individual or add it to a monthly subscription to your CSA order!

"*" indicates required fields

Select your Individual Box:*
Individual Boxes can be purchased all throughout the year! Orders completed on a Tuesday are eligible for that week's CSA delivery (Thursday), Friday Farm pick-up and Saturday Market pick-up.
Select your Summer CSA Box:*
Add more to your CSA! This box is available for 12 weeks during the Summer CSA Season. If you chose to have a skip week during the season your Meat Box will also be eligible for a skip and made up at the end of the season.
Select your Fall CSA Box:*
Add more to your CSA! This box is available for 10 weeks during the Fall CSA Season. If you chose to have a skip week during the season your Meat Box will also be eligible for a skip and made up at the end of the season.
(1% VA Sales Tax included in the total above.)
Pick Up Locations and Times:*
Select a location and time you would like to pick up your FarmShares.
Enter Payment Details*
This order form is 100% secured. We do not store your payment information for any reason. Refund available up to 72 hours after purchase minus a $50 processing fee.
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