CSA Order Form 2024

"*" indicates required fields

Select your CSA FarmShare:*
When CSA orders are ready, you pick up our bag of freshly harvested Organic Certified Hidden Creek Farm produce at the location of your choice. Your bag will consist of 6 organic produce and/or herbs items that reflect the bounty of each particular season.
Our Summer CSA Season which begins the week of June 3, 2024 and runs through August 19, 2024. This is a 12 week season with the option of one Skip Week. Fall CSA pick up begins the week of September 9, 2024 and runs through November 11, 2024. This 10 week season with the option one Skip Week.
CSA Singles/Couple FarmShare: Veggies and herbs for 1-2 people @ $33.00 per week for both seasons.
CSA Family FarmShare: Veggies and herbs for 3-4 people @ $44.00 per week for both seasons.
Additional FarmShares Available:
Why stop at veggies? Sign up for as many as you like!
NOTE: FarmShare pricing covers a timespan of 22 weeks.
(1% VA Sales Tax included in the total above.)
Pick Up Locations and Times:*
Select a location and time you would like to pick up your FarmShares.
Enter Payment Details*
This order form is 100% secured. We do not store your payment information for any reason. Refund available up to 72 hours after purchase minus a $50 processing fee.
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